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RevolverMaps Plain Classic
RevolverMaps Button
- transparent background
- energy saving features:
- stop of bandwith and CPU consuming activities if the button is offscreen
- size: 14×14 - 40×40 pixels
- surface appearance
- land color
- ocean color
- dot color
- rotation speed / rotation speed on mouse over
- displaymodes: client location / recent locations
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RevolverMaps 24 Hours Chart
- 2D or 3D appearance
- chart style
- bar style
- width: 293px, 268px, 243px, 218px, 193px
- the gap between the bars: 1px - 3px
- font
- font size
- hours as Roman numerals
- chart color
- bar color
- text color
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RevolverMaps Plainnew
- responsive dimensions
- optimized for HiDPI displays (like retina displays)
- energy saving features:
- deferred resource loading
- stop of bandwith and CPU consuming activities if the map is off-screen
- size
- corner radius
- maps with custom colors
- land and ocean opacity
- map center
- dot size
- dot colors
- separate dot colors for old locations and recent locations
- various recent location animation parameters
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RevolverMaps Mini Classic
- size: 70×70 - 178×178 pixels
- marker colors
- maps
- background: transparent or black with stars
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RevolverMaps Mini GL
- transparent background
- mouse and touch control (zoom/rotation)
- hardware accelerated renderer
- energy saving features:
- deferred resource loading
- stop of bandwith and CPU/GPU consuming activities if the globe is offscreen
- size: 90×90 - 180×180 pixels
- maps with custom colors
- brightness
- separate dot colors for old locations and recent locations
- auto rotation speed
- initial zoom level
- initial axial tilt
- sun position
- halo appearance
- various recent location animation parameters
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RevolverMaps Standard Classic
RevolverMaps Standard GL
- transparent background
- 3D labels
- mouse and touch control (zoom/rotation)
- hardware accelerated renderer
- energy saving features:
- deferred resource loading
- stop of bandwith and CPU/GPU consuming activities if the globe is offscreen
- size: 170×170 - 341×341 pixels
- font
- label appearance
- maps with custom colors
- brightness
- separate dot colors for old locations and recent locations
- auto rotation speed
- initial zoom level
- initial axial tilt
- sun position
- halo appearance
- various recent location animation parameters
- Get this Widget!
Nah, di atas adalah beberapa pilihan tampilan widget yang di sediakan situs RevolverMaps. Cara mendapatkan kode widgetnya sangat mudah, sobat tinggal pencet tombol Get this Widget, maka sobat akan di alihkan di situs resmi RevolverMaps lalu dapatkan kodenya. Untuk cara memasangkannya di blog, saya rasa sobat udah pada mahir semua. Sekian dari saya, apabila ada kritik dan saran serta pertanyaan, mohon sudi kiranya untuk meninggalkan komentar. semoga bermanfaat" ?
Wasalamu'alaikum. wr. wb
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